
Friday, November 29, 2019

misstry peom

today in homeroom time we made a poem about some one them we had to guess them all
it was hard   guessing them but easy making one

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Thursday, November 21, 2019

post card

Today in cyber smart I made a post card of  my fav  place   We  put 3 truths and 1 lie try to guess the lie and tell me

it was easy to do it and hard to stay on track

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

tea cup problem

today in math I did a tea cup problem I had to put tea cups on tea plate but I can do it twice

it was HARD!!!!

pattern name

today in homeroom tine I made  the first letter of my name them put patterns around it  I glued it  to a blue paper

it was hard to think of patterns but easy to draw it

Thursday, November 14, 2019

my pic

yesterday we watch a video of  the ride of passage I made a pic  of my village  for you guys it's not the best but I tried my best so here you go

It  was all easy

inipropiet behavor escape pla ne

today in home room time we made a poster of what to do if you get child abuse we put 3 option the put the good and bad thing that could happen then   it was all hard

Monday, November 11, 2019

On Friday Tony Connor and I  stayed  back while  the  yr 5,6 went to surfing and the  yr 4  went to YMCA.  We helped with the little kids. I  spent the day in Whakarua  I was doing  math and prodigy
as I was helping little kids read by helping them sound out words .

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

blue zone poster

 we have been learning about the blue zone. We thought of some things we might feel in the blue zone.
I thought of some strategies to get out of the blue zone

going  some where no one is  getting water  hugging talking

it was all easy

Friday, November 1, 2019

te reo maori

Today in Te Reo Maori we have been learning to ask "Where is the?" or where is a person in Maori. Here are two sentences I learned.

Kei hea te pene?

Kei hea a  mama? 
today in math me and Tyler we play decimals spiraling the were decimals numbers at the bottom we had to put put the first letter in our name to mark are spot  we put them at the place of the decimals.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

zones of regulations

today in home room time I made a zones of emotion  we put what others are saying and thinking

Friday, October 25, 2019


today in class WE have been making clocks we had to cut glue couler pin  then we went on pic collage made 4 pics and put the time  the hard part was making it and the easy part was making the pics

Thursday, October 24, 2019


today in reading I created a rainbow it was easy making the couler but hard getting the mora words

pet house

today in cyber smart   i made a    per house for a rich dog here it is

Friday, October 18, 2019

tereo days of the week

Today in tereo i made a puzzle of the days of the week here it is

 i found it hard         remembering it all                   

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

today we have been looking at how different  emotions impact our body

I did a stick man of a emotion  when we feel  hurt here is my stick guy. When we are hurt out body does this:
- cry,lye down,hugs some one,lock them self in room.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

golden toilet

today in reading i made and read about a golden toilet               
the golden toilet got stolon by a gang and a 66 year man did it and got put in jail doneld trump gave them the toilet as a gift

Monday, September 23, 2019

chef anthony makes piza

today in reading  i made a pizza of my own   it has tomato sausage  cucumber and cheese

My recapie 






Friday, September 20, 2019

vaule cercle

today in homeroom time i made a circle of thing i enjoy it was early hard none of it was easy

Thursday, September 19, 2019


today in reading i made that

4 thing to respect 🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄

 today we have been learning about respect we thought of thing that are important to us. i drew Lego bye putting it away when i am done   i will look after it

i found it easy because it was i under stand what respect means

by Anthony

drawing slides logo

Today in cyber smart we made are own copy of a google logos
i picked the google slides logo

i found hard was tracing and easy finding the coler 

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

make it write it solve it 2

today in math i got surprise with doing write it make it solve it

Friday, September 13, 2019

my bar graph

today in statistics i made a bar graph of the best games here is my work

Thursday, September 12, 2019

how you treat are spaces

today in homerooms I made A poster of how you treat our spaces

tracing flower

This week i had to trace a picture using Google drawing I made a flower.

It was easy to colour  the picture of the flower but it was hard tracing it.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

playdoh math

today in math i had to make problems  and solve them with Play doh here it is


today in reading i made a filter her it is

Friday, September 6, 2019

weather protected

today in  math we used the protected  weather to make a bar graph of the weather here it is

Thursday, September 5, 2019

biteable-how are you awesome

today in pb4l-possessive behavior for learning. I made a biteable of  how are  you awesome here it is


Friday, August 23, 2019

fav games

today in math strand i made a chart of what people like  i did fav game s here it is

Thursday, August 15, 2019

venngage poster

Today in cyber smart i made  a poster about how  to make your self look online we watched a video about how  to be Netiquette here is my poster.

how would u make your self look good let me know in the comments below and let me know what u think of my poster

Friday, July 5, 2019

matariki slide

In the last few days i have been making a slide about my version of matariki, it is not filly done i will be editing it every now and again.
What i found hard is thinking what to do next, what is easy is putting the slide into a animation.


today in reading i made a picher problem about a pounamu.  Let's see if you can find it and let me know in the comments

the thing i found hard was making the places to hide the easy part was hiding it

Thursday, June 27, 2019

today in writing I made punctuation doc in google doc about why something sould change i picked haveing no school uniform oops  i do not want to spoil it for you any way here it is

Did you know that not every school has a uniform?In my Opinion I think  there Should be no school Uniforms for school. I will be discussing the reasons why we should not have school uniforms. so people do not waste time getting changed that will make kids get to school faster
So parents do not waste money

Because   people don’t waste time getting changed.
 so you get to school. Faster. 
So parents don’t waste money.
So parents only buy one kind of clothes.
So people wear what they want.
So you pick what you want to wear 
Instead of you wearing uniform.
I will be disgusting why there should be no school uniform

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

my pepe ha

in the last few days in mori we have been making a pepe ha here is mine

Friday, June 21, 2019

minecraft maps

today in math we made a mincraft map for when we  were doing south east west and north well the compest  but still we were doing then we made some questions about it here are mine and the map

What is at 2a on the map ?
What is at  5e
What is on 3e?
What is south from the birds?
What is 5e    
What is  4c
What is 4 d
What is 2 e
What is 90 degrees from the gold sword

What is 45 degrees from the purple bird

Thursday, June 20, 2019

pet store

Today in math i did a pet store money problem we had unlimited cash  and we  had pick a pet  and buy stuff to take care of it i only brought 3 things food a toy and a bed hey it cost me $275.99 here is my stuff 

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

haiku poem

Today in writing we did a haiku poem about winter.  We did 5 7 5 thats how many slyables are in a poem

river's are icey.

As I drive to school today.

Warm as fire in  class.

Monday, June 10, 2019


today in math we did a problem if you did this rhyme IP dip blue sky who's it its you For the first one i would stand at the end with one friend  also at the end the next is 6 people i would second to last at  7 i would stand 3 to the last 8 i would stand at the end last at nine i would stand at the 2 to last it was hard to find out were to stand it was easy to write it all down

Friday, May 31, 2019

today in cyber smart we made a stop motion out of the stuff in our pencel cases mine is about a pen thats getting ready for a race then he races a wite bord marker

Thursday, May 30, 2019

math friends

to day in math i did a friend problem we had to work out how to put the friends into the friend graph.

I found it hard to find which spot they went in on the graph. I used the clues to help me know where they went. I worked through one clue at a time. 

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Monday, May 27, 2019

dream room

Today in Maths we had a 100 gift card to spend on our dream room.  This is my room
it was hard to work out the math it was easy to put them into a slide show. I spent $98 which was under budget. Yay!

Friday, May 24, 2019

today in math strand we went in to a doc and did a Direction and position activity. We had to look at a picture of some places and had some questions to answer them i found the questions easiest it has hard because i had keep scrolling up and down to see the picture.

What building is East of the Cafe?

What building is North of the Hall?  church

What building is South of the Chemist?

What direction is the Playcentre from the Church?
South west

What direction is the Playground from the Doctors?
North west
How many houses are South of the Hall?

From which building can you look West to see the Church?


Thursday, May 23, 2019

anthony To explain

today in writing we were doing how to  explain we made a pice of writing with miss gosling it was really fun what I found hard was doing all the writing it started getting easier
Image result for spray bottle

How do spray bottles work

First fill it up with  water to the top, no hot water. Then put tube in, then put led on.
Put hand on trigger, then pull to spray, then the water will come s. Out the hole  use to spray bad pets
Do not spray electric stuth.
By Anthony       

Friday, May 10, 2019

Looking after ella the dog

Looking after ella the dog

this week we have been doing a instrumentalist writing  we pick  topic i picked dogs see

Image result for cute dogs

Equipment needed
Toy dog   
dog kibble.

Meat for breaky kibble or tux for tea
1.Feed at 8:00am and 7:55pm
2.Play with for 1hr walk for 1hr
3.Give 3 kg bucket of water
4. if dog sleeps inside put out a litter box and a blacky to sleep on give lots of hug and pets.

5.In the morning clean out litter box with a pooper scooper and let outside.

the best part of me

This week in writing  we have been learning to use adjectives.we read the story.''the best part of me by wendy ewald.

Friday, March 22, 2019

6 sentece story

this  week in writing    we wrote a six sentence story  about about a charetetor  and adding detail. our focus was on creating sentences. we learnt that the four criteria of a sentence is   capatill  letters 
full stops 
makes seance 
space between each words 

Once upon a time there was a ninja that had so many bombs. He lived in a mansion in Auckland.
His power was that he could super speed  up walls.
His problem was someone stole his bombs.
He was sad.

He found the person that did it and asked for them back then he got them back.
i found this easy becuse it was very fun

Related image

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

what does kindness mean

Today  in writing we brainstormed about  kindness. We split up in to groups of three  and wrote about it then we did a poem.

What i found hard was do the poem the easy part was blogging it. 

Thursday, March 14, 2019

today in writing we did a lipagrame picher to do a sentence without the litter Theres my work  

you can try it to let me now what you come up with in the coments byeeeeeeeeee ✌✌✌✌✌✌❤❤❤❤😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

hey readers we have bean writing about a pic we seen of a kid on a plane heres my story

I can see clouds
I feel scared  of sitting on the wing

It was a lovely summer day  I wanted to know what it would be like if i sat on a private jets wing when it is flying     in the air for 48 hours i can see the clouds from up here it is lovely oh it is time for bed it is sooo beautiful at night

Thursday, March 7, 2019


this morning peter from Canterbury hockey he came here to teach  in to teach us  about hocky he teched  us to doge stop dribble at the end we played a game like rob the nest but with a hocky sticks then we when back to class.  
The hardiest bit was rob the nest  in hocky.

Thursday, February 21, 2019

All About Me

We have been learning about introducing ourselves. I made a google drawing  with a picture of myself and 6 facts about me. What I found hard was making the picture .
What I found easy was the 6 facts about me.

Monday, February 4, 2019

haiku poam

Playing with my friends pretending to be big sharks the water splashes up